Monday, August 25, 2008

Boston or Bust, Day Three

I woke this morning to Susan letting me know that I'd already missed the quote of the day, coming from her son, Elliott. "Elliott said he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up, then Lillia said she wants to be a bead artist, then Elliot added, 'Or maybe Ill be a vegetarian' " she reported to me.
During breakfast Elliot put the pointer from a touch screen video game up his nose. His Mom stopped him, "No way, that's not funny or cute. Do you know what's behind your nose?" she asked him.
He looked at her, thinking, then, "Snot?"

My third day of travel has gone well. I'm psyched to be hanging out with my good friend Naomi, and her fiance Jeff. We had a delish Italian dinner and are now watching the DNC broadcasting.

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