After the loss of
dear old Tilly over the summer, and months of searching for just the right puppy to become the new member of the family, my parents were thrilled to bring home (temporarily named) Holly, who they adopted through the
Pocono Pet Rescue league.

They picked her up hours and hours from their MA home at a foster family and brought her back just yesterday. I spoke on the phone with each of them and listened while Mom narrated in a puppy voice while the little one explored the first floor of their queen victorian, "Oo, what's in here? No, that's kinda boring. I'll go over here. Oo, that looks tasty!" I can simultaneously visualize exactly what the puppy is doing in her exploratory state, and see my Mom as she was when I was a little girl, tucking me into bed and making my stuffed animals talk to me.
I get Dad on the phone because I want to hear the excitement in his voice, too. He is far more understated than my Mom with her periodically bursting out of, "Oh, my god, she's cute!" While discovering a new trait like crossing her front paws when she lies down.
Dad is still thrilled though, it's clear. Pleased and proud, he reports, "She's hiding behind my knees right now," before adding "We did good."
So, if anyone has any cool name ideas, you now have a photo of her to help. Add your name via the
I think that your dog should be named Mudge love Lilly
And owen thinks it should be namd dotty love Owen.
She is so freakin' cute I can hardly stand it. I suggest Piper or Pickles or something that starts with P.
Piper would be great if I wasn't considering that for a human kid some day!
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