Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day Two

Another lovely day. It's a bit chilly, but still, I had a nice time with Kelly, Everett and Wesley this morning before leaving on the next leg of my trip to Ohio. Such good people and although my thoughts are still following me, it is a relief to get a change of scenery. They showed me around their home, their garden, and the cows just next door at the dairy farm.

Little climber

I left Tully around one this afternoon after a quick game of "Guess Who?". The drive from New York to Ohio was long. Six hours, which was the same distance I drove yesterday (seriously, it was just yesterday?), but the last two hours dragged. And my shoulder is bothering me, (likely not helped by sitting still for so long). Hopefully not for long - I will return to MA in time to have the metal taken out a few days later. Actually, this trip was supposed to happen later in the month of May, but my poor surgeon's mom died and my surgery was moved. So, I am a bit achy and sore until then and my friends got their house guest sooner than they planned.

Driving into Cleveland was cool after so many years since my internship at The PD. Familiar street names and that funky part of the highway where you very suddenly have to drive about 40 MPH because the road turns at a ninety degree angle.

And now I am with my good college friends, Suzanne and Joe, who I lived with junior year and who are now married with two little girls. More quality time with old friends to follow!

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