Thursday, March 27, 2008

Passport Time

I went to Walgreens to have a passport photo taken and while at first I didn't mind that I looked like a serial killer, I later thought better of leaving it be and going with it. I will have to look at this picture for the next ten years, after all. So, I had a coworker take one at the office.

Hopefully, my head's not too big and the gov't will accept it just fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! What a difference! I think drugstores that offer passport photos have a special knack for making people look deranged. My mom had a similar situation with her photo; when she showed it to me, I nearly broke a rib from laughter. I told her she could easily have had my step-dad take the photo with their digital camera, but she didn't want to take the chance of doing it wrong.