Saturday, June 23, 2007

No Conclusion

This post does not have any end result. I'm just typing.

Last night I was out with friends in downtown West Palm Beach.
Chillin' with some ice cream, we were approached by a guy who needed
money. He crouched-down next to our table and started in on the
why-I-need-money bit. At least, I think that's what he was talking
about, I couldn't actually hear him. I wasn't going to give him money.
Aside from the transvestite who cornered me in my car at the corner of
Tamarind and Palm Beach Lakes and threw me off with a "Care to offer a
blessing?" approach, I have rarely given money to people who approach
me and ask for it.

I don't know why this is. I do know that the recent Jimmy experience
has not helped my attitude about this topic.

But, Rachel's a nice person and she gave him some money. When he left,
she said something about how a person who has so little pride that
they will go to others for money deserves a hand. It was a very good
point. It's not like I have the slightest idea what it must be like to
not have.

Today on my drive home, I was stopped at a light behind a big truck,
again at the corner of oh-so-safe Tamarind and Palm Beach Lakes. A man
with a bucket approached the truck driver and began chatting with him.
He offered his services to clean his windshield quickly while he
waited for the light to change. The man declined, but gave him some

Now, I don't ask out of rudeness, but rather, just out of curiosity -
why doesn't the man who has the energy to lug around a bucket full of
cleaning supplies walk across the street and ask for a job at the car
wash? I know, there are reasons.

It's just interesting the way some people live. I just wonder if they
choose it whether or not they realize it.

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