Monday, January 22, 2007

Potato Soup

I just read a blog written by my friend Gina and as I was posting a
comment, it turned into a blog. Gina, who says she doesn't cook really
frequently, was talking about how proud she was for making potato soup
all by herself and how her son and his pre-school friends took one
look at it and turned-their little button noses up...

First off, I can completely understand the challenge cooking brings.
I, too, admire those who enjoy doing it. Being a single person (booo
hissss) makes it even harder to do regularly. I just had a steamed
artichoke and a chocolate chip muffin for lunch, for example.(No
comment from the cheap seats, please. You know who you are!). Eating a
big meal alone feels, well, alone, and let's face it, just not as

Kids and food. If we ever wondered where our desire for the familiar,
and our desire for creature comforts come from, it's just from being a
kid. Which everyone was at some point. Hopefully. There's something in
the DNA that made us want to hear that bedtime story 47 times in a row
and not mind living on hot dogs alone until the age of four. My
brother is proof that such a child exists.
Kids LOVE habits and schedules.

Keep trying to get them to try "new" stuff, Gina! Don't give up!
My Mom, who is a wonderful cook, had my brother and I eating very
non-traditional food from an early age and I turned out, um.

Just keep trying!

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