Wednesday, December 21, 2016


I've rejoined OKCupid, and have gone on a few dates. One guy was very nice but the conversation didn't flow at all. Another guy was interesting, but had no sense of humor and had lied about his age on the site, which I think, though not a deal-breaker, is a bit silly. None leading anywhere. No biggie.

Work is slow as the holiday approaches, and in a very unusual move, I messaged back and forth a lot with this one guy, Jason (that's his real name because I don't care about anonymity) yesterday. This is unusual because I think people can be on way online, and different in person. So, messaging a lot before meeting them is silly since you may have a nice online banter, but know within 30 seconds of meeting them for a drink that there is zero chemistry.

That's a lot of wasted time messaging a complete stranger.

Still, I wasted a lot of time with this guy just yesterday because the banter was fun.  I asked him out for coffee, and a few hours later, in the evening, I got this psycho message...

I did respond, saying I wasn't even on the site last year, and his nasty email makes it clear he's saved me some time. And good luck with your nice lady.

I have disabled my account. Not for good, but holy crap, I need a break from this ridiculousness. D-bags abound and sadly, it's not always obvious. To spend the day chatting with Jekyl to suddenly get Hyde (or is it the other way around?) doesn't instill much confidence in others.

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