Saturday, August 13, 2016

Harlow GoesPro

Distracted by my own life and goings-on over the past year, I was embarrassed to only meet my neighbors just this morning as Harlow and I returned from a hike in the Fells. Last week, I met my neighbor's neighbor (who I guess is actually my neighbor too, come to think of it) as she watered the garden of the people I'd yet to meet while they were away. Shannon offered me a giant cucumber from the vacationing neighbor's little garden and I took it, knowing this would be good reason to finally meet them when they returned.

Today was that day. "Your neighbor gave me one of your cucumbers so now I definitely need to meet you!" I said to them in front of their house after I returned from a hike with Harlow today, "I'm sorry it took me so long!"

Their names are Ben and Audrey, and they seem like quiet, shy, and very nice people. I introduced them to Harlow. "Yes, we've met her!" they said, "She's gotten loose a few times and we corralled her back into your yard. She's a really nice dog."


It turns out that the fence entrance on one side of the house with the shitty latch I've been meaning to call the company about has indeed provided an escape route from time to time.

They went on to say that there was an "older guy" at the house when they knocked on the door (after some description, we figured out it must have been Dad), and when they told him his dog was loose, my dad said "No she's not". And they were all "Um, yeah she is", and they worked together to get the dog back.

Of course, poor Dad simply let Harlow out the back dog door at which point she simply exited out the side gate "Field Trip!" So logically, he didn't think she was loose.

Little stinker.

I thanked them profusely for being so nice are corralling her, then we talked about our houses and how part of them sag. Did I know someone who could fix that? Yes, I told them. "My porch sags too, but I dread fixing it, so I just call it part of my home's charm!"

In other news, I finally edited together the video Harlow collected this past weekend with the help of the GoPro. I took out the parts where she's exploring along the side of the road and cars are slowly creeping by her to avoid being told I'm negligent, and the part when she passes Dad super early in the morning and he's wearing only boxers and heading bleary-eyes back to bed from the bathroom. Funny what that dog saw.

Harlow Goes Pro from C.M. Scott on Vimeo.

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