Monday, March 3, 2014

Oliver Dream

Mom had a dream with Oliver in it and it was so nice I had to share it. Hopefully I am remembering correctly!

Mom was somewhere, (don't remember where, I'm already doing well with the details, huh?), when I giant raccoon showed up, hissing at her and approaching. Suddenly, Oliver shows up, his fur standing up on his back and bearing his teeth.

Mom encouraged him to leave the raccoon alone. That he could get hurt, but Oliver went after the raccoon. They had a nasty tussle and the raccoon ran away (or was killed or vanished. I'm fuzzy on the details).

Oliver wen to Mom held him, telling him what a brave boy he is, and Oliver said (in that dream way where their mouths don't move but you know they're saying something) "I'll always protect my family".

*sniff sniff*

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