Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday in the Park With Harlow

This past weekend was a busy one. I has three photos shoots on Saturday, went to the movie with friends in the evening (Fantastic Beasts and How to Spot Them was great!), and on Sunday organized the basement a bit, threw a lot away, got my plants into the basement as well as the lawn mower, and dusted the house too (the real way - with a damp rag!).

After all that was done I took Harlow to the park. Harlow, ever the nudge, has been a fairly good girl this week, aside from annihilating a box of tissues one evening while I was out. I felt she deserved a good solid running at Sheepfold. Once we got there, she ran like the wind, and I noticed an Old English Sheepdog. While that OES wandered, I chatted with the owner.

Harlow tried to engage with the sheepdog, but the sheep dog politely let her know that she wasn't interested. Ever-thick-headed when it comes to finding playmates, Harlow would revisit the sheepdog with the same result - A sharp "Leave me alone!".  I have zero problem with dogs telling each other to buzz off.

Then Harlow snarled at the other dog! Like, really snarled! I was shocked, and snapped at her "Harlow enough!" As I began walking towards the two, the gnashing started. I jumped in and grabbed Harlow by the collar with one hand, and by her back leg with the other. She yelped as I dug my fingers into the tender part of her inner thigh. That was the only injury of the altercation - the mark where I grabbed my dog.

I didn't care. She'd misbehaved and mortified me. I apologized to the woman who looked over her dog for marks which I knew she wouldn't find because neither managed to bite the other (and let's be real, if a dog really want to hurt another one, they do it and they do it fast). She complained to me that I didn't move fast enough to get my dog (this whole incident was no more than seven seconds) and I apologized again, and told her that she'd never done this before and I was a bit surprised.

She was annoyed and I certainly understand why.

I chewed Harlow out from the moment I grabbed her off that other dog, She was a bad dog! And shame on her! I slapped her collar on her and she stayed right at my side as I marched her out of there, fuming with anger and embarrassment. Even if I wanted to stay and let her get some more exercise, everyone there would be afraid of her.

I don't know what caused it, I don't know what triggered it, but I was not happy. Harlow knew it too, and she kept her distance from the the whole rest of the day.

I sure hope it was just a fluke.

In the meantime, I found this article which was really informative. Informative in that I realized I'm doing things wrong with my dog!  So, good to know that I shouldn't let her rough-house as much as I do (#11). I always ask the owner if they're OK with it, but still.  I also use the park to exercise Harlow (#2). In fact, that may have been a major factor in yesterday's altercation - she had too much pent-up energy. Harlow's recall skills (#10) are pretty lack -luster too.

Looks like I have some work to do. Ho hum.

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