Thursday, November 10, 2016

Day One

It's been a day and a half since Tr**p was elected. Friends have been texting me and calling about their anger and sadness and hopelessness. I keep trying to solve it. Like if I say the right thing, their fear and anger and upset will wane. I can't solve it. Right now people are just...grieving, and I have to remember to just let them grieve. Let them be sad. You can't help them not be sad, Cydney, so just listen to them be sad so they can feel less sad.

Speaking selfishly, I am pleased that I have gone at least a week without crying. I am finally sleeping through the night, and my mind is on things other than who I have lost and how rejected and shitty that makes me feel. One thing of many that I have learned over the last five months (good god that was a long five months) is that when I feel compelled to cry my eyes out, it's just what I have to do.

I am at work right now and on the late shift. With little to do, I am on the interwebs. It's really not the best place to be right now - seeing articles like this one. If I didn't "get" before Trump was elected that, truly, anything is possible, this article makes me realize otherwise. I never thought I would see the day when so much hate rang out. Where does it even all come from?! I just don't know.

A coworker told me about this one though - a letter written by a fictitious character from a sit-com. At least it's worth a giggle.

Even Harlow was moping when I left for work this morning.

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