Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh, My Joaquin!

I was so sad to see this. What a space cadet! And I love his work so. Is he high? Just out of it? An idiot? I also actually wonder if he just has severe stage fright or anxiety, which, I know seems kind of weird for an actor, but it still could be the case. Place your vote on the survey at the right.
Um, hip hop?

OK, the video is no longer available due to a copyright claim made my CBS, but you can read about his recent weirdness here.


Mrs. Hammond said...

crap! the video is no longer available and I wanted to see it! i heard about it this morning!

Mrs. Hammond said...

ok, just watched it on I don't know..seemed like an act to me, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was on something.