Now that I am in collar bone healing mode and can't even drive myself to the gym, let alone really work out all that much once I got there, I've decided I really need to try and crack down on what I put in my pie hole.
So, I am using the Self Magazine's website to track myself a bit. It's actually a pretty nice site in that you can log what you eat and it will track your calories and such. Since I am not working out, I'm supposed to be eating less even. Once I figured out my calculation, I discovered that I should be essentially starving myself. This is not an option of course, so really, I'm just trying to make healthier choices in what I eat and just, well, eat less of it.
This brings on quite a diabetic challenge as you might guess. My sugars drop more frequently now (I woke with a low of 50 this morning - it should be between 85-140, really). So, I have to be careful. I'm eating less, so it requires less insulin. I have to always keep that in mind now.
In an effort to inspire myself, I thought I would make a letter-sized poster of things that remind me to stay healthy. Whenever I see Jennifer Garner in anything, for example, it makes me want to stop eating. Now, I have no interest in doing that, but I thought a photo of her and some other strong public-types would help remind me to pay attention. Alas, I have been very unsuccessful in finding photos that work.
The only pictures of Angelina, Jennifer Connolly, Reese Witherspoon, Rachel McAdams, etc, that I can find have them looking insanely skinny in some haute couture (sp?) dress on some red carpet somewhere. I decided to seek out pictures of these women looking relatively normal. Something I can relate to, to a degree. I found a great one of Amy Adams...

So, I have been somewhat successful, but not really. I may print something up just to see. The point is, I don't want to make a poster of images that just end up making me feel defeated.
This, for example, doesn't help...

But, these might...

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