Monday, July 18, 2016

A Purpose

I just finished listening A Dog's Purpose. Not the most amazing writing ever but since it's told from a dog's perspective, maybe that was intentional. Regardless, I liked it's premise - a dog living through many dog lives, seeking it's purpose in each life.

It got me thinking about my life. For a time, for a long time, I thought my purpose would be to be a parent. More accurately, a co-parent. I was never interested in taking that on alone since that dream included a man. A family of my own. A team.

A few years ago I came to learn it was very unlikely I would have kids myself, and as time has passed, I have accepted that fact. I thought maybe I would adopt with my husband, but much like my kids, he doesn't exist either.

I want my purpose to be to bring joy into another person's life. To find my person and be their person. That has eluded me as well. And so now I wonder, is my purpose to find joy in life alone? To truly just be happy by myself. A girl and her dog? It sounds so pitiful. Not to mentioned selfish.

I know there must be more to it than this. I love my dog. I have friends, I have family. I am grateful for them and enjoy time with them. Does my purpose sit within those relationships? If so, I must not being doing a very good job considering I'm not even aware of what my purpose is in relation to others.

Maybe we don't choose our purpose. Maybe it chooses us. That seems awfully faith driven and I don't have much faith.

Clearly I need to think on this some more.

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