Thursday, March 17, 2011


I haven't been here in a long time. I have been working full time (yay!), redesigning my professional website, dabbling in real estate, or really, considering possibly thinking about buying sometime while the buying's good. I will not mention how when I looked what my amount could buy me here compared to what it could buy me in my previous home in FL?  It's crazy. Come to FL where you can get a huge home with a pool in the back, or stay in Boston where you can buy a pill box of your very own!  I'm not going anywhere. I'm a northerner. Boston's for me. Just maybe not in the city.

I amuse myself these days with a daily visit to because it always makes me laugh out loud - even when I was waiting for the dentist the other day.

I have snippets for you.
Like this one; when Mom and I were at Panera last week, she heard a little boy giving his mother a hard time, refusing to get up from his seat. He told her "I can do anything I want!" and she replied "In your dreams? Yes. In Panera? No."

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