Yesterday morning I sat at the computer acting very busy and important when Bella and Tori came up on either side of me. Spotting the shirtless man from the Old Spice ad in the side column on Facebook, Tori said, "He's not wearing a shirt." Then she thought a minute before adding, "Should we be looking at this?" I assured her that it was just an advertisement for soap.
Rachel and I got a day to ourselves yesterday and had a great time checking out the Atlanta Aquarium. Obviously, she's been there before with the kiddies, but she said she really liked going at our own pace.
Before arriving, Rachel had told me over the phone that she wanted to see a movie. "Preferably one with lots of swearing in it!".
At the Aquarium, there was a 3D movie showing - just a little documentary, we thought. So, we got tickets. This was not going to fulfill R-rated movie quota, but we decided to see it anyway. We sat down and realized, not only was it not R rated (obviously, it's the Aquarium), but it was cartoons. Singing cartoons. "Oh, shit" I heard Rachel mumble next to me. Fortunately, it was a short film!
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