Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon

The weather here in Boston is beautiful today. I woke excited that I had the day off from work and that my friends would be coming over to hang out, eat good food and have nice conversation.
Christina left my place in the early afternoon after a day pf brie sandwiches and s'more crescents to run errands and pick-up her kids. Amanda and I went for a walk and when we returned, we learned that there was an explosion at the Boston Marathon finish line.

It didn't really hit me much. I thought, well, must be a weird manhole cover explosion or something, but as the hours have passed, it's clear that is not the case.

Someone built some bombs and planted them where the crowds were. As time passes, more explosive devices are being found and disabled (perhaps they are unexploded because the person who set-off the bombs is now a patient at Beth Israel).

Police are telling people in the crime scene to not to use their phones because it could set off other explosive devices.  To think that something which is used to keep loved ones close and in this case allow you to let those loved ones know you're ok, can actually cause the opposite? So awful. Soon cell service in Boston is shut down completely. The weather was gorgeous and people were so excited to participate in this great tradition in Boston. And now, thanks to some crazy making home-made bombs, this is what we'll remember. It's unreal.

One spectator was interviewed and said that there were many people around him with limbs blown off. I cannot express the irony of this. People becoming legless at the Boston Marathon. 

The President came on the national news, talking about Boston. My Boston. Our Boston. This is huge enough to cause the President to debrief on it with the media. Somehow, it makes it even bigger than your eyes realize when you watch it on TV.

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