Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bath Day

When I have to give Oliver a bath, there's a system to it. Not like the kind of system that makes things work, I mean, I can make bath time work with no problem, it's the before that always cracks me up.
He knows. He knows it's coming. I agree with this cartoon below.

...but, Oliver understands that when I start saying things like, "You're ripe!" or "Come here, stinky winky". He knows.

I grab a towel, another clue, then the shampoo, further confirmation.
Today, I called him from the stairs and he came to the door, spotted me heading up with said towel and shampoo, and slowly backed-up, as though doing it quietly would change the fact that I can SEE him doing it.

Generally, I bring everything upstairs, then come back down, pick him up and bring him to the tub. We do this every time. Much like the days in FL, I have to bring him to the water.

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