With a five hour drive following the wedding, I snuck-off to change into jeans before hitting the road towards the end of the reception. My car was taken by valet and I was about a half hour away when I realized that my radio wasn't working and was claiming it needed a code to start back up again. Annoyed, I called the reception hall to ask if any of the valets knew what they'd done. They returned my call a little while later to tell me they'd left my headlights on and they needed to jump-start my car. The radio disconnected as a theft defense.
So, for five hours and nothing to do but think, I planned my whole wedding. It's going to be great! (I wonder how man people we can get into Scott's End?...um, that sounds dirty).
Now back home, I am trying to think of ways to promote my work. Fliers? Ads? All of the above. I emailed a friend who's a teacher and asked if she thought her school would let me come and take candid shots in her classroom. I really miss just being a fly on the wall while producing something nice at the same time.

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