My parents are at Scott's End this week-end with my hairy four-legged son and my nudgy four legged spaz of a sister. I am enjoying having the house all to myself, I admit.
I also admit that I lock the doors at night and am creeped out by noises coming from various locations in the queen Victorian. There are seventeen rooms in which the serial killer can hide, people.
Last night, I felt very brave for venturing out in hopes of making new friends (not that I need more or not to imply my friends are not suitable) and maybe even a dreamy guy. I went to an event set up by Meet-up.com, this website which is essentially a social bulletin board. You can see what's going on and go join the folks participating. I went with the "Social Fun" group. I'd like it, actually if it were called the "Social Unfun" group. That would just be funny.

Wandering the corn maze at Connor Farm was great fun, and I chatted with some nice people. It felt good to get out. There were multiple Meetup groups there, actually, and when I chatted at the entrance with four people and asked "What group are you with?" I didn't think it through when I responded, "Cool! Er...um...maybe not. Sorry" after they told me they were from "Under Thirty and Divorced."
Fortunately, they seemed to get a chuckle at my stupid floundering.
This morning, I went to the airport to pick up my friend Ellen who is visiting friends in western MA for her annual fall trip to New England. I had to leave for a wedding in New Jersey today, so I got her at the airport and we went for a very nice time and lunch at Fanuel Hall before I dropped her at the train station.
My drive to NJ for Naomi's wedding was long, but not bad. What is bad is the skanky hotel I got myself in hopes of some money. Save money is right. Lesson learned - this place is a hole. I don't know if it's the tape holding the broken remote control together or the soap scum on the tub or the way the water gurgles and spits before spewing out of the faucet, but this is the kind of place where you don't want to touch anything with any exposed skin. When I returned from the rehearsal dinner, I took my sandals off and put them straight into socks. Socks which I may burn when I get home.
The rehearsal dinner was very nice and my dear friend seems very happy. I am happy for her and I'm looking forward to seeing the ceremony tomorrow.
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