We have had our challenges but it's been great really. She still doesn't like her crate, but now that I take her by the collar (rather than trying to sweet talk her) and bring her to her crate, she's much more tolerant of getting in. I often put in toys that hold treats. When I arrive home at the end of the day, she is happy to get out, but also happy to grab that treat filled toy and devour it's contents. Apparently they taste better when someone is around to observe your treat finding prowess.
Dad comes to visit her often. I think they both enjoy it, and a dog walker come in the late morning every day to take her out. While it's not a service I want to keep forever and always, I do clearly see how Harlow has been socialized well by being taken out regularly, exposed to others dogs and even my walker's kid...
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when I saw this one on my walker's FB page, I shared it, adding "Well, I don't know who this adorable child is but I'm sure glad my dog isn't eating him!" |
She has become more comfortable with her yard. Very comfortable, actually. A few weekends ago she squeezed through the space between the gate and the carport and headed out for a little walk on her own. I saw this happen and knew if I chased her she'd fun. So, I casually walked behind her. She crossed the street, slowing down one car. I waved sheepishly.
A neighbor I had not yet met was leaving her home as Harlow crossed the street. "Well, thanks! I don't mind if I do invite myself into your home!" and Harlow ran right in! Fortunately it was a closed in foyer, but I apologized profusely and fortunately the neighbor, who I now know is named Linda love puppies. Good thing.
She has endured a few baths and does very well with them. She will even start to shake while still int he tub and stop as though she consciously realizes that the suds will fly off her and in the end she will be less clean from the soap removal.
We've been recently having some frustration with house breaking. So quickly I forget that just because she seems to get the hang of it doesn't mean you stop giving her treats and making a big deal when she does the right thing. One day started off very rough when she pooped in the hall when I was in the shower and then got rid of the evidence. Later that evening, she refused to poop outside. I tried taking hr out over and over with no luck. We went out for one last try very late and still no luck even though I gave her plenty of time.
We went upstairs to my office. I sat at my desk and turned to find her pooping in the corner. I have never yelled at her like I did that night.
So, now it's back to lots of super-juicy treats and praise when she does it right and we seem to be getting back on track.
Harlow's allowed on the couch every once in a while, but only
when she's on someone's lap. Surprisingly (I'm probably jinxing it) she doesn't to get on it anymore. Above is a video of her being weird with my friend Kristyn, who comes by regularly for TV and commentary fun.
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