I left Suzanne and Joe's on Monday morning and went to a neighborhood psychic. Yes, you read that right! Suzanne had hoped to go see this woman, too, who was known only by word-of-mouth, but Suzanne had to work and this was the only opening the woman had. I figured, why not?
It was very interesting. She sat me down. You feel you won't ever get married but you can't think that way, she told me. She talked about my paternal grandfather and how he wished he'd gotten to know me better. She tangented randomly about New Year's and how everybody (in the world) "fought" on New Year's. It was a terrible one, she said. Mine was not so great, either.
She made reference to a "silver chord" which freaked me out a bit considering I have used that term in my journal before to describe the idea of an unspoken connection with another person that means you just sort-of "get" each other. It's exactly the context she used it in, too. It makes me wonder if I'd heard the term once before, sometime in my life, and just didn't consciously remember it.
Though I didn't bring him up (I purposely gave her nothing), she talked about my ex for a long time, describing him and his life right now (with bizarre accuracy) and said it was right that we are not together right now. And she told me what I know to be true - that a few years from now would be better timing.
She told me about my career and where it's headed and what I might want to consider doing. She talked about my family, etc. She didn't really give me any information that I didn't already know, aside from that I would get married and I'd have two kids (personally, I think she was humoring me, but whatever). She also mentioned something about a family argument that could split us up in September. Perhaps I will get myself out of the country.
She told me I was impatient (no kidding! Is this entry over yet?) and perhaps that's why I was brought back here (to Earth, I guess?), to learn to be more patient. "You have a hard time with people who don't get going on things as fast as you might". She told me I was a speeder and that I needed to be careful; she saw state troopers (in her mind). Later, on the highway in Cleveland I saw three cars pulled over within a three mile section.I left the psychic and got in my car and wrote and wrote whatever I could remember. It was definitely interesting. Suzanne called me, "So?" she asked. I told her that she didn't really tell me anything about my life that I didn't know to be true and Suzanne made the point that it may be true, but maybe it's something that she can pull specifics from all the things you know to be true to help organize your brain.
I went on, driving through Cleveland and on through eastern Ohio. I decided to stop at Niagara Falls. I'm glad I did. It was a beautiful day and I got their just in time to miss the crowds which I saw lining up as I left. The falls were beautiful, but I confess that I was not overwhelmed. I thought, "Yup, that's a lot of water!"
It was a beautiful drive and I passed through Auburn, NY on my way to Kelly and Bryan's. Auburn is where we all met nine years ago when we worked at the paper there. I took a few shots, including on of the house I used to live in...
And one of a diner with some beautiful light hitting it....
When I arrived at Kelly's last night, her oldest son Everett hollered down from the second floor bedroom window, "Hi, C! I'm real sorry I won't be able to play with you tonight!"
"Oh, Everett," I told him, "I'm sorry too!" Kelly had called ahead and let me know that a stomach bug had hit the house.
"I have a bit of a cold and I'm puking." Everett reported in his little voice form above.
"I heard. I'm so sorry to hear that" I told him sympathetically. Poor kid.
"Yeah. I have a trash can to puke in."
I had lots on my mind that last night and didn't really sleep well. By morning, Bryan had been hit with the bug and I basically grabbed a quick shower, a piece of toast and went on my way.
The drive went fine and I was greeted by a very exuberant Oliver who was decorated with a giant bow and a "Welcome Home Mom" sign. Very sweet.
Back to reality.
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