Clearly I'm busy if I have been even unable to replace my masthead. Since, I'm guessing, I have maybe three readers, I guess I feel it's OK to slack off.
Work has kept me busy for sure. I just got a call today from someone getting married in a week and a half. Yup, you read that right. Now in their defense, she contacted me a while back, but then she kind of disappeared.
I went through a mess deal with my website last week. I changed companies and there was some confusion about who should be making it possible for the site to go live - the old company? The new company? The domain host? Meanwhile, I didn't have any idea what they were talking about in their tech-babble, so when they would stick me on the other parent to get help, I'd have to take notes to convey the technological babble to the next guy. My business email was linked to the site too, so I didn't get any business emails for six days and anyone who tried to reach me that way...well didn't.
I was hoping to teach some photo classes this season/term, but I'm not so sure it's going to happen. I went to my first class yesterday, and there were three people. One of whom was supposed to be in beginners but ended-up trying intermediate because the beginners had so few people they had to can it. I got about five minutes into my talking about Manual photography when she said she was totally overwhelmed already and wasn't going to stay. So, here I'm left with two very interested students, trying to figure out what level of photo knowledge I should be getting into. Do I teach them Manual like I planned? Do I teach them how to better use heir Auto buttons? BY the end of the class, are rather, three-person summit, I felt like I was a crappy teacher. I think I confused myself.
It didn't help the likelihood of class attendance that the photo courses were listed under "recreation". Huh? To me, recreation is volleyball, or bowling. Photo should have been int he creatives section. But, it wasn't.
I'm amazed at how busy my business has been keeping me. From shooting architectural stuff, to weddings, to dealing with tax stuff and oh, did I mention Health insurance? That's always fun.
Here's something that
is fun though. She's not a sore shoulder, or a date gone wrong. She's not a dog who won't stop barking at every little thing, or expensive health insurance.
She's Amelia! My close friend Maureen's little one. And she's great!