We played played games and whatnot but mostly just lounged around. I'm kind of surprised at how good I have come at doing that. Lounging, I mean. I feel like when I am at home, in front of the computer, I am constantly moving and learning. Looking into pricing, mucus usage, tax info, etc online. When I'm in the cape though, I get better about walking away from it.
My shoulder is getting better and better every day. I asked my PT how different our sessions would be if I didn't have frozen shoulder. "Completely different," he told me, explaining that we would have made a lot more progress by mow and that 90% of the time is spent working on the frozen shoulder. I found that discouraging and told him that coming to him was like a full hour of playing "Uncle".
While in the cape, Bootsie cut herself in her romping and exploring. I sat her on the bench next to me to investigate. She flinched so dramatically that I flinched, throwing my bad arm out to the side and pulling back my shoulder. Imagine someone taking your arm and twisting it up behind your back. Then, imagine them jerking it up even harder. Then holding there. That's the kind of pain I felt when my reflexes made me jerk back away from the dog. It hurt so much I didn't know what to do with myself. I grabbed my arm and hugged it to me and started to walk around, kind of like when you stub your toe and can't sit still. Only with the shoulder, it takes a good thirty seconds before the massive pain subsides. I burst into tears, telling my friends, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm totally fine. Because I'm sure it would have freaked me out a bit.
It sucked, that's all I'm saying.
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