Oliver continues to enjoy himself here, though he is ever hopeful that lizards will appear and never hesitates to have a little looks for them when he discovers little spaces in the house and bushes surrounding it. Now that my brother and sister-in-law have shown up with their sweet dog, the house is a regular Dr. Doolittle vacation getaway.

I'm still not sleeping terribly well. I woke the other morning, and not having a bedroom to clean-up in an effort to make it my own, I found my mind wandering to the how to make a living situation. I woke at three this morning with the same thoughts going through my head. I woke again when others in the house began to stir around seven. So, I appreciate, thoroughly, the big fat nap I've just woken up from.
Maureen, who is Ada's daughter, and soon to be married, and I went to Target with Mom yesterday. While living in West Palm Beach, I enjoyed meeting from time to time with some other board-game players - Monkey's Delight - we called it, and Maureen and I have decided that doing some game-playing meeting up would be fun.
I can't really wrap my brain around being here. I'm very content, but it is strange. I hadn't really thought it would happen this way, really. It's nice to hear people say, "Welcome back to Boston!" or for me to realize that I don't have to rush really, for quality with this person or that person because I have only three and a half days in the area left. I have unlimited days at the moment.
The job hunt is non-existent right now, and I am trying to be OK with that.
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