Me and my co-pilot, (yes, I'm watching the road).

Oliver and I are now resting comfy in the home of fellow Scott's just outside Richmond. Our day started slowly after I took a wrong turn and got us lost in Savannah. I was grateful for it simply for the great views of the spanish-moss infested tress over the city's residential streets. I hadn't seen that from our oh-so-beautiful La Quinta hotel.

It was a long day of driving with one stop for lunch and another for a nap. I didn't really get the nap because we pulled over in some small North Carolina town and the parked in the shade for a bit. As I tried to get a few quick winks, I could hear Oliver in the back seat, trembling in his little hairy boots while he watched all the country squirrels mock him front a safe distance. Neener neener neener.
I enjoyed some catch-up time with my grandmother, Dorothy, and had a great dinner of crab-cakes by Susan. Good stuff! Susan's kids, twins Elliot and Lillia, are a trip. At the end of the meal, and I don't remember the context, Elliot turned to his mom and said, "It doesn't work that way, baby."
Did I mention they're four?
Other great quotes of the evening included, "Man, it must be great to be Jackie Chan right now," which Susan said while watching him singing in the closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics. I was a bit confused considering all we'd done for the past twenty minutes is make fun of the ridiculous colorful crazy acid trippy mayhem that was the closing ceremony. But, she went on to talk about some fun TV show that Chan now does. And then there was Dorothy who mentioned at another time how much she hated it when people remade movies that were perfectly great to begin with. To that, she said, "That's just corn off the cob is you ask me". Awesome.
Susan, Grandma Dorothy and I chatted over the TV and Susan and I both mentioned aloud during the commercials how Tivo has spoiled us. An promo ad for "Ice Road Truckers" came on and Susan was appalled. There's actually a show for that?! "Oh, yeah," piped-in Dorothy "That's a great show!" Susan was surprised to hear her mom watched it. "Well, where do you think I get all my information?" Dorothy added.
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